Saturday, April 01, 2006

My Thoughts on Strange Beings

There are some times in our life that we realize that we as humans are strange beings. I have recently been thinking about this in the context of the ever fascinating ear wax.

You all know what I am talking about. It's as irresistible as a sleeve of Thin Mints from the Girl Scouts. Whether you use a Q-Tip, finger, someone else's finger, pencil, or even screwdriver, there seems to be an instinctual need to get it out of our ears. But as we know, it never stops at getting it out. Something about it is required by our senses. We must look at it, inspect it, touch it, smell it, and in some cases even taste it. Why is this? What is wrong with us? We know it smells fowl. We know it tastes bitter. Yet we continue to habitually follow these instincts.

Are we no more in control of ourselves than a bird flying south, a herd flocking, or maybe more comparable, a dog licking itself? I'll leave you to ponder this question.

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